NYF – Cooking with Carolina Panther Devin Funchess (December 21, 2018) Cincinnati Bengals Pro-Bowler Carlos Dunlap – NYF Student Book Scholars Assembly (September 18, 2018) Eagles Super Bowl Champion Jalen Mills – NYF Charity Game (June 23, 2018) Sacramento Kings’ Frank Mason III – NYF Charity Game (June 16, 2018) 2018 Philadelphia Girls Rally (March 3, 2018) 76ers Rob Covington Presents Winning Book to Coopertown Elementary School (December 13, 2017) Jordan Hicks Presents Winning Book to Bryant Elementary School (December 4, 2017) Dr. Bhavna Shyamalan: Super Heroine (November 2, 2017) Verizon TCC and NYF Back to School Event (Aug 1, 2017) Antonio Brown NYF Charity Softball Game (June 17, 2017) NYF and Trust the Process Philly (June 12, 2017) Antonio Brown NYF Charity Softball Press Event (May 24, 2017) NYF Writer’s Draft with Rob Covington and Jordan Hicks (April 26, 2017)